Model Search

Models Need With Hair Thinning, Natural and Relax Hair


 The Hair Showcase become a volunteer for The Hair Showcase. if you are experiencing hair loss or thinning hair. This is a great opportunity for you to explore your options.
You may be wondering what's in it for you as a volunteer model. We understand that everyone is not comfortable with letting the world know that they are suffering from alopecia, we understand your concerns. My goal is to bring awareness that there is an option than just a wig. Options that we want to show how natural it can look with alopecia. it's nothing to be ashamed of.
Therefore, we are reaching out to amazingly special people like you to become a model. We would love to connect with you by email or by phone to see if you are a good candidate to be a Cachet Model. We have different programs that we will select and test on each model. We will determine which program is a win-win for each of us.
Please send your email to to receive the model application form.
Complete and return the application, and we will get back with you.

As a volunteer, there is no payment for special needs service, but a discount on a suitable hair system may be offered.
Volunteers: Non Hair Loss Clients/Models

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